A meeting of the "Environmental Issues" Working Group was held

Discussion of the general report on the goal of a "High-quality ecological environment" took place during the monitoring and evaluation session for the first half of the current year within the framework of the 2023 goals set by the "Socio-economic Development Strategy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2022-2026" in the "Environmental Issues" Working Group.

At the meeting held at the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources Umayra Taghiyeva, the Chairman of the Working Group and Deputy Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources, provided information about environmental issues in "Azerbaijan 2030: National Priorities for socio-economic development" and the Strategy's implementation within these priorities. She emphasized the importance of ensuring sustainable and responsible use of natural resources, promoting environmentally friendly industrialization, efficient waste management, modernizing the hydrometeorological observation and environmental monitoring system, protecting biological diversity, increasing water bioresources, developing aquaculture, and enhancing forested areas. Taghiyeva discussed the work carried out in these directions and highlighted the significance of awareness-raising and campaigns, emphasizing the need for coordinated activities among relevant institutions within the Strategy's implementation.

Rashad Huseynov, Deputy Executive Director of the Center for Analysis and Communication of Economic Reforms, informed the Working Group members about the monitoring and evaluation process, underlining the importance of including relevant documents on the monitoring portal for the designated indicators.

Emil Gasimov, the deputy chairman of the working group and the head of the field program monitoring sector of the Monitoring and Evaluation Department of CAERC, presented the prepared progress report.

Subsequently, the working group members discussed the report, voiced their suggestions, and provided comments.

In addition to the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources and CAERC, the "Environmental Issues" Working Group includes representatives from the Ministries of Economy, Finance, Science and Education, Agriculture, Emergencies, Digital Development and Transport, Energy, as well as the State Statistics Committee, State Agency for Service to Citizens and Innovation under the President. Heads of the State Tourism Agency, State Water Resources Agency, "Melioration and Water Management" OJSC, Food Safety Agency, State Agency for Compulsory Medical Insurance, TABIB, ANAS, "Clean City" OJSC, State Oil Company, and AZAL are also represented.

It should be noted that by the Order of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated June 12, 2023, to ensure the full, timely, and effective implementation of the measures provided for in the "Socio-economic Development Strategy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2022-2026" and to coordinate the activities of the relevant state bodies, eight working groups were created for this purpose.

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